Senin, 17 September 2012

5 Causes You Lonely Visitor Blog

Reason blog devoid of visitors could be due to several factors, and among the factors causing this blog visitors sometimes devoid of even the little things that we never noticed before. 

Through this article I would like to share your opinions / opinions are simple but relevant on matters that could be the cause of the lack of visitors coming to your blog.
Reasons / Causes Blog Lonely Visitors:

1. Blogs or Articles not indexed by Search Engines
Traffic blog

Understand where your visitors first come to your blog! Because it is a blogger we have to understand where are the likely visitors will come to visit our blog. The answer is search engines or search engine / search like Google!! The fact that it is difficult to argue that the source of the traffic coming towards a website / web or blog 95 percent comes from the results of keyword search / specific keywords in google. Thus, if we want the traffic / visitors coming from keyword search results automatically blog or article so we have to be indexed by Google so that could be a reference to a keyword search or a particular article. How to make a blog or article we are quickly indexed by Google of which is to provide a backlink towards the article / post that we make and also make it a habit to ping every time publish a new article on your blog.

2. The lack of variation in the content or articles

It's OK we set some niche for your blog such as the blog or SEO tutorials and others. But that does not mean the topics we discussed in any article is always about it-it's just not? Because it is definitely a time visitors to your blog will get bored. Especially when he talks about SEO, because only a few people who are interested in SEO and a few people are also looking for references on the topic of SEO in search engines. So I think it would be good if we could write an article with some variety of topics but still without forgetting niche blogs that we select. At least we should think that the variety of content that we create should be able to add the pageview for your blog. Pageview is the ratio between the number of visitors to the total number of pages read blogs. If the number of visitors who come to my blog and the 2000 visitor total number of pages read was 5000 pages, then the value of the pageview is 5000/5 = 2.5. And if I am given the choice, choose which of you is visited by 2000 visitors to 5000 pages were read OR visited by 4000 visitors but with the same number of pages is 5000? So I would choose the FIRST because its value pageview HIGHER! Hopefully my friend understand what I mean here.
3. Error template selection

It may sound trivial but I think this could be a factor why the visitors of your blog visitors deserted because it was not sukatemplate you use. According to them the impression you do not fit the template topic or type of article that you wrote on the blog. For example, this blog about gadgets or the latest mobile review, but your blog using a template with a black background. I think this is not appropriate, because it would be great if we use a template with a white background so the pictures or the latest mobile gadgets displayed will look more lively and interesting. In conclusion if we like the first template, the template may not be appropriate for us to use. So be careful and consider carefully in the selection of this template.

4. Lack of menu navigation and structuring excessive blog

When visiting other blogs I often notice two important elements. One of my navigation menu should be available on the blog is a table of contents menu. The menu will be very easy for visitors to find out what is article on your blog and they are worth a read. Then note that there are also structuring widget on your blog. Do not use excessive widget widget although it is nice and interesting to be placed in the sidebar of your blog. Find out and consider first the impact of good and bad to put a widget even if it's just a widget translator or interpreter language. Why I gave the example translator widget? Since the widget uses javascript! And it is well known that javascript will affect the speed of loading the blog. This is what I mean sometimes we forget to think about beginning to get there. We forget that the visitors only give a few seconds to open the blog page, so the page is loading slowly opened as the old visitors will soon scamper aka blurry. So even if a widget can enhance the appearance of your blog, but it could be the effect of the installation of the widget is not good. So too is careful in choosing the widgets you want to use!

5. Rarely updated blog content and less attractive

Causes of Low blog visitors latter is related to the cause of number 1 and 2 above. Rarely updated blog that will affect the Alexa rank who refuse to rise and the Google PageRank is only a dream. Blogs that are updated even though only 2 articles in 1 week will make the index of articles and blog will be better overall. Especially if you are used to put the internal links in the posts that refer to previous articles. This is when we judge from the SEO side, that of the visitors how gan? Usually visitors expect on a visit to the 2nd and so he will find new articles on our blog despite the fact that the article was not important to him. But what happens if the 2nd visit to these visitors not only find the latest articles? The answer: it means you are losing 1 traffic and so pageview. Then the problem is relatively interesting content, in the sense that it is difficult to pin down in a straightforward because the more competent to judge is the visitors themselves. I can only give you an idea of ??our own at least there is some effort to write a simple topic but it is interesting to read and listened to. This can be done through a style of writing that is easy to understand and understand what you write. But if you copy and paste the article post is not impossible that you were not familiar at all with what you post. It is shameful if a visitor asks in the comments and you can only answer.


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